• EVA3000手持式拉曼光谱检测系统


EVA3000 is a handheld Raman inspection system designed by Iwill. It has an international advanced level.


EVA3000 is designed for daily use of ordinary people (not professional technicians). The overall design and operations are simple. The user can start the instrument by pressing one button and test samples quickly.This system is installed with professional Raman analysis software. It is applicable to the scenarios of raw material filtration, on-site inspection, and material analysis and can be widely used in various industries, especially food safety, national security and jewelry appraisal.

产品特性 Product Features

Ø 配备专业拉曼采样探头,可快速完成样品识别;
Ø 一键启动检测,导向界面一目了然,触屏操作;
Ø 可自建客户数据库,自动匹配与显示拉曼分析结果;
Ø 大小样品均可进行无损现场检测,专业实用;
Ø 可调节的激光功率,针对不同样品进行处理,应用更灵活
Ø Linux 3.2系统+Qt图形支撑系统的开发应用;
Ø 高度集成,轻巧便捷,方便携带;
Ø 无线数据可实时更新交换;

- Equipped with a professional Raman probe, EVA3000 can quickly identify samples.
- The user can start EVA3000 simply by pressing a button. With a touch screen, the operation interface is friendly.
- The user can create a customer database to match and show the Raman analysis results.
- EVA3000 supports zero-damage on-site inspection on samples, whether they are large or small.
- With adjustable laser power, EVA3000 supports inspection on various samples and more flexible applications.
- EVA3000 has integrated the R&D and application of the Linux 3.2 system with the Qt graphical support system.
- EVA3000 is highly integrated and portable.
- EVA3000 supports real-time exchange of radio data.

产品结构 Product Structure




整机尺寸 200 × 105 × 50 mm
整机重量 1.2kg
输出接口 SMA905
光谱范围 200 cm-1~3200cm-1
波长分辨率 18 cm-1 @1000 cm-1
波长稳定性 <0.01nm/℃(标准)
激发波长 785±0.5nm,线宽< 0.08nm
噪音 ≤1% RMS(10Hz-100MHz)
功率稳定性 ≤2% P-P(@2hrs)
使用寿命 10,000.00hrs
电源电压 8.4V 2A,直流充电适配器
电池 可充电锂离子电池,工作时长大于3小时
显示屏 4.3英寸高清晰触摸屏
输出功率 0~500mW可调
积分时间 8ms ~2min
滤光片激光截止深度 OD6
探头工作焦距 7.5mm
工作/储存温度 0 ~ 45℃
工作/储存湿度 5%-80%

产品效果图 Photo of the Screen




a) 对易燃、易爆、强氧化性、毒害性危险液体进行检测,应能够检测出以下列出的常见液态危险品:
 易燃易爆:汽油、煤油、柴油等易燃油类;苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙醇、乙醚、丙酮等易燃化工品;硝基稀料、环氧稀料、松香水、油漆、乙酸戊酯(香蕉水)等易燃液体;硝基甲烷、环氧丙烷、硝基苯等易爆液体;
 强氧化性:双氧水、硫酸、硝酸等危险液体;
 毒害性:敌敌畏、氧乐果等剧毒农药;

b) 明确给出液态物品检查结果(安全/危险)及液态危险品的具体名称和危险属性(易燃、易爆、强氧化、毒害),以便于操作人员进行合理处置;
c) 不受液态物品包装形状限制,能对方形、圆形、椭圆形等常见形状包装的液态物品进行检测;
d) 不受液态物品充装数量限制,对满瓶和不满瓶都能进行检测;
e) 谱图库可升级扩展,具有用户自行添加谱图库功能;
f) 具备连续检测功能,无须等待间隔时间;
g) 具有声光报警功能,能通过灯光颜色区别显示报警信息;
h) 能够提供自动计数功能,对接受检测的每一件液态物品及报警液态物品分别进行计数;系统默认保存所有的检测数据,能够提供液态物品检测结果存储及检索功能,存储量应不少于30000次检测,可以检索报警数据;
i) 具有用USB接口将数据导出功能;
j) 能够提供操作人员身份认证功能,能够通过密码验证来限制设备被非授权使用人员操作;
k) 设备内部应含有充电电池,在无外部电源供电的情况下,可连续工作4 小时以上;
l) 应提供中文操作界面,操作界面为7英寸以上触摸屏;


The Linux 3.2 system analysis software is a set of professional Raman inspection and analysis software developed by Iwill.

It enables the user to collect and analyze information about Raman spectra, reduce noises, and process the database. Besides, it can help the user identify samples with Raman spectra.

The software comprises several modules: spectrum collection, analysis and processing, data structure, and database management. The user can create a product database; after the quick inspection, the user can compare the information in the database and analyze the samples.